Digital Heritage

Digital Heritage at Fort Charles

Digital heritage is an umbrella term covering numerous approaches to the intersection of digital technologies and heritage studies. At Fort Charles this includes documenting structures, archaeological excavations, and artifacts.

You can interact with a 3D model of the guardhouse and armory above. This model is created using photogrammetry from only 70 photographs using AgiSoft Metashape software. We collected hundreds of images to create these and other 3D models.

The above canon is one of the earliest models produced using this method. This and several other canon are not originally from the site, but were rather relocated to it in the 1980s by the British Navy on their goodwill tour of the Caribbean following the Falklands War. Locals tell us that this and four other canon were airlifted by helicopter from the other side of Nevis.

These models are spatially accurate and allow us to virtually re-visit portions of the site. For instance, the above model allows us to compare the original setting of a canon ball that was eventually removed and preserved. We hope to use these and similar data to virtually reconstruct the entire site someday.